*June 5 is National Cancer Survivors Day*** CANCER SCREENINGS ARE SAVING LIVES How CDC and the CDC Foundation are Helping

*June 5 is National Cancer Survivors Day*** CANCER SCREENINGS ARE SAVING LIVES How CDC and the CDC Foundation are Helping

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This year marks the 25th anniversary of this special day being celebrated Sunday, June 5, 2022, and provides a good time to remind everyone that cancer doesn’t wait, and cancer screenings, treatments, and routine healthcare appointments should not be delayed. Some screenings help in both finding cancer early and preventing cancer.

CDC reports that an estimated 41% of U.S. adults delayed or avoided medical care during the pandemic.

And according to a 2021 article, breast, colorectal, and cervical cancer screenings dropped by more than 80% during the pandemic. While screenings have since improved, they have not returned to normal levels. These missed screenings mean people will be diagnosed at a later stage of cancer when it’s more difficult to treat, and experts have predicted these delays will result in an excess of 10,000 deaths from breast and colorectal cancer alone.

CDC urges Americans not to wait for symptoms when it comes to cancer, including breast, cervical, colon and lung cancers. The CDC Foundation and its Preventing Infections in Cancer Patients program developed a PSA, poster campaign, and a Cancer Screening Guide to help educate and encourage people to get cancer screening tests that can prevent or detect cancer early. Many of those resources are also available in Spanish.

In honor of National Cancer Survivors Day, CDC’s Dr. Lisa Richardson discusses the need for Americans to return to their routine healthcare appointments, cancer screenings, and cancer treatments.

Lisa Richardson, MD, MPH, is the director, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Interview is courtesy: CDC Foundation


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