The Water Hour

The Water Hour

Dear Friends, 

Thank you for joining and supporting us in making 2022 such an incredible year!  

We believe water is a fundamental human right and are committed that the 2 billion people around the world in need of safe water are not left behind. Building on demonstrated success, we remain dedicated to ensuring underserved communities have access to safe affordable and reliable water. 

In 2022, we continued our work to expand safe water supply. Working with social entrepreneurs, local governments and communities, we are improving water quality standards in collaboration with local and national stakeholders. We are building new water stations and training village engineers and operators to ensure sustainable services. Our innovations are digitizing data, rolling out mobile payment systems and water ATMs. We engage with thought-leaders at international symposiums and host an array of roundtable discussions to advocate for decentralized, sustainable safe water systems. Through this work, we are raising the bar on water quality, creating new income opportunities, and supporting others in achieving sustainable water services.

To celebrate another great year, we chose a series of photos that represent our success. We invite you to review our 2022 year in pictures here

We are extremely grateful for your support in 2022. Your year-end tax-deductible donation will support scaling our programs, technical services and sector collaboration to advance safe water access as a human right.  

Together we can transform the health and livelihoods of millions more with safe water. 

Wishing you Happy Holidays and a great New Year!

With much appreciation,

The Safe Water Network Team!


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