Family Film Awards Invites you to Celebrate American Born Chinese on the UN Global Day of Parents

Family Film Awards Invites you to Celebrate American Born Chinese on the UN Global Day of Parents

Family Film Awards

DYF Presents

Family Film Awards

Invites you to Celebrate

American Born Chinese

on the

UN Global Day of Parents

Appreciate All Parents Throughout the World

Since the 1980s, the important role of the family has increasingly come to the attention of the international community. The General Assembly adopted a number of resolutions and proclaimed the International Year of the Family and the International Day of Families.

Emphasizing the critical role of parents in the rearing of children, the Global Day of Parents recognizes that the family has the primary responsibility for the nurturing and protection of children. For the full and harmonious development of their personality, children should grow up in a family environment and in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding.

Designated by the General Assembly in 2012, Global Day of Parents provides an opportunity to appreciate all parents for their “selfless commitment to children and their lifelong sacrifice towards nurturing this relationship.”

2023 Theme: The power of parenting:

raising happy, healthy and hopeful children

Families, parents and caregivers play a central role in child well-being and development. They offer identity, love, care, provision and protection to children and adolescents as well as economic security and stability. In keeping with the spirit of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, family and parenting support is increasingly recognized as an important part of national social policies and social investment packages aimed at reducing poverty, decreasing inequality and promoting positive parental and child well-being.

Throughout June, UNICEF and partners are sharing expert tips and resources designed to support caregivers and their families. From mental health guides on everything from self-care for busy parents to supporting teens during stressful times. Fun play ideas that support child development and helps you make the most
of every moment together.

And a call for governments, business and others to scale up parenting support and ensure
universal access for all families

Sun Wukong’s son in the United States
Journey to the West ABC ,

Huge number of United States viewers, rave about the American Born Chinese Show

The American Disney Film Company

launched a wonderful TV series called

American Born Chinese,

and some people translated it into

“Journey to the West ABC”.

It tells a touching story about Monkey King’s child, who descended from the sky
and arrives on Earth as a Chinese student.


This TV series is very imaginative. It uses the characters in the four famous Chinese novels

“Journey to the West”

to come to the core of American culture-campus life, and draws out the resistance and justice of two students in the face of the ridicule and competition of white children.

Their energy, imagination and kung fu won the admiration of everyone, and won the care and affirmation of Avalokitesvara and Sun Wukong.

If you look at it with ordinary eyes, this movie is too outrageous,
but Hollywood is always looking for the point where the wonders of the world are related to the fate of each of us.

Sun Wukong fights goblins, there is no Chinese Chinese child who does not know,

but the price and choice of Sun Wukong who learned from the Western Paradise –

Wukong lives the same life as the sky is not to be erotic –

Wukong symbolizes his identity, but in this place
full of race In today’s American society with hatred and all kinds of contradictions, this Asian born in the United States, in despair, has a way to survive: imagine turning himself into the son of the hero Monkey King!

The campus where everyone defends themselves has become a battlefield for interpreting traditional Chinese stories and successfully finding their own identity symbols.

Hit you without discussing, just come for your own equal rights!
An eye for an eye, an eye for an eye, make the world dark again,

and shine a light in the darkness.

The darkness before dawn is always dark for two hours.

In American Born Chinese

“Journey to the West ABC”,

two Chinese students gradually discover their own value and strength through cooperation

and learning with the characters in traditional
Journey to the West.

Their adventure is not only a story of defeating evil forces, but also a journey of identity exploration. They discovered that their Asian identities were a source of unique strength and pride, , rather than an embodiment of ridicule and envy

American Born Chinese

“Journey to the West ABC”

is currently being broadcast on mainstream media channels in the United States, starring Michelle Yeoh, Daniel Wu, Kwan Jiwei and other well-known actors.

They hope that through the expression of such stories, they can help people better understand and appreciate Eastern culture, and promote the recognition, respect and integration of Eastern and Western cultural diversity.

These well-known actors have worked in Hollywood for decades.

Michelle Yeoh won an Oscar for Chinese-dominated Oscars a while ago.

During the strike of Hollywood playwrights, all the most popular movies, TV shows and award-giving activities were suspended in May- Asian Pacific Month – Launched this Journey to the West ABC, which was a hit, it really is the manifestation of Guanyin Bodhisattva!


The Family Film Awards hope that this magical comedy will attract the support of more friends, stimulate the thinking of Chinese people in the United States,

let more Americans understand the history of civilization in Eastern China, and build
a more inclusive civilized society


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