“Goddesses at the Palace” is coming!!!

“Goddesses at the Palace” is coming!!!

Please join me on June 29th, 6-7pm, for the opening of a huge site-specific art installation that transforms the Grand Foyer of the historic United Palace with a series of large-scale works.

Dear Friends,

Happy Summer!

I hope you are doing well, and enjoying the warmer and longer days.

It has been a super busy year and I’m thrilled to share that “Goddesses at the Palace” is coming!!!
Please join me on June 29th, 6-7pm, for the opening of a huge site-specific art installation that transforms the Grand Foyer of the historic United Palace with a series of large-scale works.

The first year of my Creatives Rebuild New York’s Artists Employment Program Fellowship has been super productive, as I’ve been working on various exhibitions, public art projects, commissions and community programs. Please read on for details.

I’d love to hear from you, please keep me posted on your life/work news.
Thank you for your continued support.


I am super inspired! Top photo is a detail of the work-in-progress for a large-scale, site-specific art installation to transform the Grand Foyer of the historic United Palace (the TONYs where here!,) with a series of works inspired by the theatre’s history and GORGEOUS architecture (Step Inside the United Palace ‘Dream World’ NY Times article.)
Please join me for the unveiling on Thursday, June 29, 6-7pm,
with live music, as part of the Arts Stroll Celebration. INFO/Eventbrite
VENUE: United Palace 4140 Broadway at 175th St, New York, NY 10033.
DATES: Opening: Thursday, June 29, 6-7pm. Exhibition Dates: June 29-July 10th, 2023.
PLEASE NOTE: VIEWING HOURS VARY, for info/appointments please email
“Goddesses at the Palace” (Detail) Mixed media, integrated with original architectural features, 10×30 feet approx. This project is made possible through support from Creatives Rebuild New York Artist Employment Program. Additional support from Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone Development Corporation, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, United Palace of Cultural Arts, Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance and Mano a Mano: Mexican Culture Without Borders

PUBLIC ART “Nurture Nature” 400 ft., commissioned by ArtBridge, on view at 1345 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan.

NYC Dept of Cultural Affairs Commissioner Laurie Cumbo visits “Nurture Nature”!
“Nurture Nature” 400 ft mural, commissioned by ArtBridge, 1345 Fifth Avenue, NYC. We had the pleasure of welcoming Commissioner Cumbo for a walking tour. My imagery celebrates nature, collaboration and diversity. Click to view.

SCARF DESIGN: I was honored to create a design for a limited edition silk scarf, for New York Women’s Foundation. It was presented as a Lifetime Achievement Award to the Board of Directors Alumnae, for their outstanding commitment to creating an equitable and just future for all women and girls.

BOOK:  ImagiNATIONS: Art as Solidarity 
SIGNED COPIES available on my website (Book also available at Amazon/Barnes&Noble.)
Recent Presentations: International Book Fair, King Juan Carlos Center NYU, MOCCA Fest NYC.
Published by NowWhat Media 152 pages. “… With extraordinary compassion (Arroyo) explores topics like immigration, civil and gender rights, displacement, gun violence, international conflicts, and the environmental crisis. In page after page of vivid color artwork she tackles these subjects with righteous indignation, deep empathy and visual grace. Her sophisticated work is both hard-hitting and lyrical, drawing on her Mexican heritage and her exquisite sense of graphic design.”  Thank you: NowWhat Media, NoMAA, Hispanic Federation, Miranda Family Fund, Google, Puffin Fou., LMCC,  UMEZ.

ImagiNATIONS Series
I continue to create images in response to current issues, published in the USA and Europe, including The Nation, The Manhattan Times, Pagina21 (Italy) Currier International (France) and many more.
Selections from ImagiNATIONS continue to be exhibited internationally, recently in La Hague, Netherlands.

RECENT PRESS (Selected) Thanks USA, France, Italy, Cuba & Mexico for the coverage!
USA: It was a pleasure to be interviewed by Adela Dalto Moraux of Mujeres Latinas
“Nature Nature” Mural on Fifth Avenue, featured in Patch
“Women in the Heights” exhibition  that I curated for the 14th year for NoMAA Telemundo
CUBA: It was lovely to be part of the Mujeres al Sur Podcast.

After a wonderful one year run, we said goodbye to the “Harlem is Healing” public art exhibit. Thank you Community Works, New Heritage Theatre Group and NYC Department of Transportation, I am grateful to have been an honoree! It was a pleasure to be in conversation with Rhina Valentin, watch the interview.

RECENT ENGAGEMENTS: I was honored to be a speaker at the “Spread Love Through Design” Conference, organized by Graphic Artists Guild, and to present an Artist Talk at the Hispanic Society Museum and Library, NYC.
Image: Indochine Suite Watercolor and ink.

And just for fun… 
In Vietnam I traveled north to south by plane, train, plane, bus, car, bike and foot. Painting every day was bliss, and I created a full series of watercolors inspired by the beautiful people and otherworldly sites.
Photo: Yes, that is me under the enormous and beautiful Buddha in Vung Tau. Feeling small in the best possible way!

As usual, I continue to work on a variety of projects (paintings, commissions, illustrations, public art, exhibitions and curatorial.) Please visit my website and follow me on social media for updates.
Wishing you love, health and peace, always.
In gratitude,

Feel free to contact me via my website, email or social media. Please forgive any cross-postings. If you wish to be removed from my mailing list please let me know.


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