A Chinese Hero from New York: In Memory of a Good Friend of DYF Entertainment – Chairman Lin Jianxin (Jason Lam)

A Chinese Hero from New York: In Memory of a Good Friend of DYF  Entertainment – Chairman Lin Jianxin (Jason Lam)

Reverend Paul Sladkus All Faiths and Spiritual and Founder of Good News Corporation states, ” Jason Lam was and will ways be a leader in the world. When you met Jason, you smiled and felt warmth and love from him, he is a true positive human spirit. His many accomplishments professionally, helping many to inspiring everyone he met will never be forgotten by ALL.”

A Chinese Hero from New York: In Memory of a Good Friend of DYF Entertainment – Chairman Lin Jianxin (Jason Lam)

He was a hero who dedicated himself

wholeheartedly to the Chinese and overseas

Chinese communities in America. Today,

we bid him farewell!


Ge Yuhua reporting from California.
In times of need, society looks for heroes. Among us lived such a hero, Jason Lam. From
humble beginnings to affluent heights, but his wealth wasn’t the sole testament to his
legacy. It was his magnanimous heart after prospering, especially during the three years
of economic downturn following the pandemic in the U.S., that united the Chinese
communities across 48 states (There are 48 states and two territories in the U.S.- Puerto
Rico and Saipan), kindling hope and instilling vigor, leading us all toward a brighter
Jason Lam, the founder of the United Chinese Association in the USA, has unexpectedly
left us. Who could believe this to be true? Could such news be just whispers of
falsehood? How could someone so vibrant and full of life depart so suddenly? At 51, he
exuded life and positivity. Perhaps, his tireless efforts for the Chinese communities across
all 50 states took a toll on him, and now, he deserves his peaceful rest.
My acquaintance with Mr. Lam dates back merely two or three years, during the height of
the pandemic when face masks became our shields, and we took risks to hold a brief
gathering. We met in a posh restaurant in Los Angeles with several mayors, eminent
entrepreneurs, and community leaders to discuss amplifying the Chinese voice in U.S.
politics. That evening, I connected with Mr. Lam on WeChat, and since then, I’ve been
regularly updated on his ventures, including the establishment of a museum on the East
Coast and Chinese business associations in 48 states. I often marveled at his boundless
energy. How could one man shoulder so much hope and pressure?
A native of Fujian and particularly renowned in Jiangmen, Mr. Lam was already a
celebrated entrepreneur in China. The TV series “Kuang Biao” even featured his hotel
property in Jiangmen. After migrating to the U.S. in 2000, he dived into commercial real
estate investments with a keen insight and swift actions, founding the Jie Lin Group.
Under his leadership, the group burgeoned, extending its reach from New York, Los
Angeles, and Chicago to Philadelphia. Jason Lam’s relentless endeavors carved a new
legend in U.S. commercial real estate investments, establishing him as a beacon for the
Chinese diaspora. Both Mr. Lam and the Jie Lin Group, praised for their robust
achievements and their commitment to giving back, have received widespread acclaim.
Despite the demands of his enterprise in recent years, Mr. Lam always found a way to
engage in community activities across the U.S., generously donating his time and
resources. During the establishment ceremony of the Wall Street Fortune Group and
School of Economic Management on June 16, 2023, he spoke of the entrepreneur’s duty
to society, to business, and to family. He believed in philanthropy and serving the masses.
A successful and powerful enterprise, he remarked, must actively give back, taking from
the people to serve the people.”
Since the beginning of this spring, discussions have flourished between the American
Huayu China Company, the Hollywood Family Movie Awards, and Mr. Lin’s enterprises,
seeking ways to mutually strengthen and form a long-term strategic collaboration. First,
on June 16th, 2023, at New York’s Virgin Hotel, a cooperation plan was signed between
American Huayu China and Mr. Lin’s Wall Street Wealth Group. This led to the
establishment of a media and film fund and the creation of a 10-episode TV series
reflecting the second generation of Chinese in America, “Main Street 缅街.” On July 1st,
Mr. Lin opened a branch of the Wall Street Wealth Group in Los Angeles, drawing over
200 Chinese American entrepreneurs and community leaders in California to offer
We had a delightful conversation with Mr. Lin. He shared and praised the extraordinary
business experiences and investment insights of Chinese businesswoman Ms. Ma
Xiaoqiu. He was very optimistic about her substantial investment in rebuilding the
Hollywood Family Movie Awards. Mr. Lin spoke eloquently with many guests,
expressing the reason for his collaboration with our Family Movie Awards: the overseas
Chinese must tell their own stories.
It came to my notice that exceptional entrepreneurs pay meticulous attention to details.
Whether it’s organizing meetings, planning ribbon-cutting ceremonies, or arranging for
me to speak on stage, he ensures perfection in every aspect of the process. I remember
that many dignitaries, including government officials and Chinese community leaders, all
acknowledged that Mr. Lin Jianxin truly embodied the concept of wholehearted
community service, genuinely reaching every corner of the nation.
Our Family Movie Awards aims to assist Chinese businesses, particularly during the
unprecedented decline in Flushing’s Chinese enterprises during the three-year
pandemic. Yet the resilience and subsequent rebound of the Chinese community,
especially in Flushing, New York, have contributed significantly to America’s
prosperity. Jason has led many private entrepreneurs in New York in founding the
United Association of Chinese Americans and Overseas Chinese, offering aid and
warmth, and even helping some small businesses in learning about finance and
insurance, laying a foundation for worry-free future living and working in America.
On August 3rd, 2023, during the audition for the TV series “Main Street 缅街” at the
Virgin Hotel in New York, Mr. Lin Jianxin was expected to be present to cheer everyone
on. But he did not appear that day, and people could not reach him by phone. He did not
show up, lively and spirited, as he had in the past…
The American Huayu China Film Group remembers Mr. Lin Jianxin, Chairman of the
United Association of Chinese Americans and Overseas Chinese. We grieve the loss of a
friend, mentor, and potential partner. Today, we bid him farewell, saluting a hero on his
journey to eternity.


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