GoodNewsLetter: Happy Thanksgiving from Milestone Broadcast & Good News Corporations…in Peace, Love, HOPE & HEALTH

GoodNewsLetter: Happy Thanksgiving from Milestone Broadcast & Good News Corporations…in Peace, Love, HOPE & HEALTH

Friends, we are honored to share our Milestone Broadcast Corporation, est. 1985, 2024 Video and Executive Summary Presentation for Investment, additional documents are available. Please let us know what you think!  We are a seasoned corporations with numerous streams of revenue that have been developed over our 38 years in the Communication and Marketing Business.  

We seek a Five Million Total Investment and or smaller pieces for a percentage of our business. Agreed Upon Fees will be paid for raising investment. 

Funding Materials:  

1. VIDEO PRESENTATION 2024: The following is a link to our Milestone Broadcast Corporation’s (MBC) Presentation. This 10-minute Video Presentation shares a comprehensive background on MBC’s past, present, and future opportunities 




  • Milestone Broadcast Corporation (MBC), a for-profit company, est.1985 by CBS/PBS TV Executive Paul Sladkus. Paul helped create Award Winning programming for All in The Family, Sonny and Cher, and Carol Burnett on CBS; and Nature and The Brain Series ($20M project) on PBS. Paul oversaw $60M Channel 13/PBS TV network division.
  • Leading full-service, multi-cultural, and multi-million dollar marketing organizations with clients that included: Citibank, Delta Airlines, IBM, Sprint, Western Union, US Postal Service, Ad Agencies, helping raise over $30 million dollars for media and Channel 13. MBC broke the Asian Market in America with their groundbreaking research in 1988.
  • MBC created the for-profit division Good News Planet (GNP), est. July 4, 1998, www.goodnewsplanet.TV . In 2002 MBC created a nonprofit 501 C 3 titled Good News Corporation, (humanitarian events).


  • New York State Institutional Equity Investor was interested in MBC back in 2021 Pre Covid, however, last we spoke beginning of 2022 they stopped investments for $2.5 million from our $5 million dollar raise, in fact, they wanted us to request $15 Million, we have to go back. We seek a lead equity investor for $5 million. We also seek to merge with another media corporation. ROI will be discussed and exit strategy to be discussed. IPO nationally and internationally is being considered.
  • 20% of a Patented 2 Screen Phone, getting close to a settlement with OEMs.
  • Movie/Book/TV/Concerts: Release 2024: Woodstock Forever: Peace, Love & HOPE, with Richie Havens and our 1989 20th Anniversary Exclusive Footage. As of 081522, this asset was moved into our nonprofit, Good News Corporation, Production Company with be MBC.
  • 6,000 long and short-form Good News TV programs, over 1,000 for-profit & nonprofit corporate branded content, with a reach of over 100 Million.
  • TV Studio Equipment, 2,000 books/interviews, trademarked happy face, VW Bug 75, Montauk Condo
  • Line of Specialty Shoes with Laura Norman the Reflexology Guru and a line of Active Wear with Claire Diab, Deepak Chopra’s Director of Chopra Centers and Yoga Guru
  • Events – UN International Day of Peace & Earth & Water Day – events September 21. Times Square, Central Park, and other worldwide locations. We have been producing events since 2002. 9/11 Event in Times Square. This event is our nonprofit GNC, but all production work is by Milestone Broadcast Corporation. Broadcast partners UNIFY major 130 Million Followers Audience.
  • WHAT NEED DO WE DISRUPT: MBC is a rapidly growing, disruptive, multi-media, multi-cultural broadcast and marketing company. What we do is HOT, in marketing. We are Good News, entertainment and events creator and content aggregator for consumers and businesses. We are a disruptive media home for the world’s socially responsible and humanitarian efforts. MBC is one of the first streaming media companies with both short- and long-form broadcasts and creates/ receives content from domestic and international sources and impartially distributes this news, entertainment, and events. MBC helps bring HOPE to the world through our stories. The content relates to health, science, culture, business, entertainment, international relations, and much more. GNP is for the entire family and the world, focusing on 50+, children/ grandchildren/pets. MBC is multi-cultural, non-sectarian, non-political and also reflects niche community interests. MBC publishes and syndicates content online, on-air, podcasts, and in print. Our main sites are , www.goodnewsplanet.TV,, www.goodnewsplanet.TV and,, social networks.  

HOW WE MAKE MONEY: MBC is an ideal media partner/sponsor/advertiser for corporations and non-profits that are seeking to promote goodwill/awareness and SALES for their products, brands, or services. MBC has been a leader in Multicultural Marketing and will grow this business. MBC is a portal with similar technology like YouTube, built a social network like Facebook/Twitter with privacy features that we will not share information with anyone. We also ask people to share only positive comments with We have created BRANDED CONTENT FOR over 36 YEARS. We are also a content creator in foreign languages, i.e. Good News China, a wire service, newsletters, print, Book/ Movie/TV/Podcast 2024 Release: Woodstock Forever: Peace, Love, and HOPE, included is the 20th Anniversary of Woodstock event that we produced. We also have part ownership in a 2-screen patented phone and plan to distribute a Good News Phone. We developed Shop Good News like eBay. We have trademarked our Happy Face for logo use in our product and service sales, like EHarmony/Einsurance. We created a Social Network like FACEBOOK, with only Good News comments. We will give everyone in the world a job for posting his or her content. Peace Day Concerts in Times Square and Central Park. Potential Broadway Show, written and performed. Franchise Good News nationally and internationally.  

COMPETITIVE EDGE: Our brand and relationships are built. Over a thousand corporations are on Good News and like us, they represent millions of people. What is special about us is that we are not competitive we are collaborative. We are about “The Greater Good: Your Good News is our Good News! Other companies have been successful, i.e., Buzz Feed, Upworthy, and Some Good News, making millions of dollars, with major investments. Our investment will do the same and more!

CASH FLOW SUMMARY AS OF January 2024 UPON INVESTMENT. The company has computed its cash flow analysis for the first three years. During the first year, the company experienced negative cash of approximately $4.6 million dollars, which is the basis of its $5 million capital requirement. We also have a $30 million raise details. See the Cash In Cash Out statement for a detailed statement of monthly cash flows. Building the full team and marketing will take time to stabilize, by year 3 ending cash will be $66.5 million.

                                   First Year                    Second Year           Third Year

Beginning Cash    5,000,000 (Invest.)     9,000,000            26,000,000

Total Cash Out     8,500,000                    10,500,000             14,500,000

Total Cash In      12,500,000                    27,500,000             55,000,000

Ending Cash         9,000,000                   26,000,000             66,500,000 


USE OF FUNDS: Our R&D phase has established thousands of relationships. Funding will help MBC make sales for integrated media relationships with content from existing and new corporations, non-profits, and producers. For example, MBC produced content in conjunction with and entirely on Johnson and Johnson, “The JNJ Care Giving Show.” JNJ paid to produce and broadcast the show on MBC and other media. Integrated content is the future. With funding, MBC will inform the world about our media and create user-generated interactivity and social networking. We are one of the first for branded content. We are opening offices in China.    

We seek funding to ensure we have ample resources to serve our forthcoming clients and build the reputation of our brands. Funds will supplement our cash flow in order that we may 1) ensure the smooth implementation of commercial applications based on our assets, 2) protect our assets, 3) promote these assets, 4) have the funds to support the rapid expansion of production capabilities, 5) recruit, train and retain a high-quality operations, sales, production, and marketing staff and 6) Build out user-generated/social network on Good News Planet.

SWEAT EQUITY AND CASH INVESTED: Over $5.5M in cash, sweat equity, and deferred salaries and expenses have gone into MBC. Including $500,000 from an investor Continental Vista, who assisted us with cash and paid positions in his company, with no equity in MBC.

CONCLUSION: We are here to discuss your needs and targets and how your investment can meet them. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss this presentation in detail


All we are is what we are with each other. Good News Motto.  Zeal


If you missed our September 21st Pause the World for Peace Event here are the links.


Stay Well and do good for others… as that is what life is about, taking care of yourself applies Keep HOPE IN YOUR HEART AND ACTIONS…THAT THE STRESSES THAT WE ARE LIVING WITH WILL SUBSIDE, PRAY AND LOVE.

Respectfully Submitted

Reverend Paul Sladkus & Team 


Good News Corporation, a nonprofit

212 647 1212 Cell. 917 687 1790

New York & Montauk, New York




For more information contact: 

Reverend Paul Sladkus, All Faiths and Spiritual 212 647 1212

New York, NY, Montauk, NY


PS – SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY FOR OUR FRIENDS AND MEMBERS: Looking for a vacation rental, SHORT TERM, in Montauk, here is our listing call me. Paul 917 687 1790


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