Thought for the Day…06/20/24

Thought for the Day…06/20/24

I have always said long Term thinking about our goals and relationships that require hard work are worth so much more than short term thinking relying on instant gratification. Build those goals and relationships with a sense of purpose and motivation and commitment that will ultimately make a long term impact.

Patience and tenacity of purpose are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness.

T.H. Huxley
Nineteenth-century biologist T.H. Huxley wrote these words as a reminder that slow and steady always wins the race. Rather than relying on quick shortcuts, clever tricks, or corner-cutting, we should practice the virtues of patience and determination as we pursue our goals and dreams. Though the road may be longer, the journey will be that much sweeter when we find motivation in a sense of purpose and commitment and utilize the strength of the human will.


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