It’s the New Year and for adults who are significantly overweight or have obesity and looking to maintain healthy weight loss –it’s a good time to be extra careful that they’re sticking to their healthy lifestyle choices and, in many cases, anti-obesity drug schedules.
It’s no secret that it can be difficult for many people living with obesity who are struggling to comply with their medication regimens and lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise.
With obesity projected to impact one billion people worldwide by 2030, there is an absolute necessity for these individuals to “stay on course.”
Experts are stressing that the obesity crisis can best be addressed with a combination of the new weight loss drugs or GLP-1 agonists and older, more established oral prescription drugs.
The GLP-1 drugs have many benefits, but there are some areas of concern, too. Many individuals need to stay on them long-term to maintain results and they’re sometimes very costly and often not covered by insurance. A recent analysis reported that the GLP-1 agonists are simply not cost-effective, and found that older, more established oral prescription drugs are more cost-effective.
According to weigh-loss experts, the best advice for those managing obesity is three-fold:
· Make sure you’re taking the drug that works best with your goals.
· Be sure you’re keeping your “eye on the ball” with treatment, diet, and exercise.
· Finally enjoy yourself as much as possible throughout all yearly celebrations.
Guests are: Anthony Auriemma MD, JD, FOMA, Medical Director, Ascension Illinois – Weight Loss Solutions, Trustee, Obesity Medicine Association, Trustee, Illinois Obesity Society, and one of his patients, Faith.
Interview is courtesy: Vivus