Everyone can agree that surviving life occasionally requires a serious sense of humor. Maybe that’s why dad jokes are so popular, because as dumb as they are, they still make us laugh, even if we’re cringing mid-chuckle.
But sometimes it’s the dark humor jokes and off-color wisecracks that inspire a bad case of the giggles. You know the ones — the borderline-offensive gags that you know you really aren’t supposed to find funny, but you still do anyway.
We’re talking about cracks that skirt the line of being insensitive, while still being totally hilarious. If those are the kind of jokes you can’t help but laugh at, then you’re in luck, because we’ve collected our favorite morbidly funny jokes and snarky puns below and all of them are good for a chuckle or two.
From slightly-warped jokes on marriage and work to short one-liners on aging, money, death and every other touchy subject you can imagine, this compilation of dark-humor jokes is bound to make you snicker, even if you know you’re not supposed to.
For example, a man goes to a therapist and says, “Doctor, why do people keep ignoring me?” The therapist replies, “Next!”
Or how about this classic? I used to be addicted to the hokey pokey. But then I turned myself around.
If you enjoyed those, then settle in for a collection of bad jokes that probably aren’t for kids, family gatherings or your coworkers. Instead, they’re most definitely for those few who appreciate a mildly inappropriate joke or two.
Best dark humor jokes
- I couldn’t understand why the baseball was getting closer and closer … and then it hit me.
- A man goes to a therapist and says, “Doctor, why do people keep ignoring me?” The therapist replies, “Next!”
- Did you hear about the guy who swallowed a frog? They say he’s gonna croak.
- My husband calls me a skeptic. But I don’t believe anything he says.
- Did you hear about the new book on constipation? It hasn’t come out yet.
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