HAMLET’S MIRROR Reaching Your Performance Potential Onstage and Off By Elma Linz Kanefield, LCSW with Dianne Conjeaud

HAMLET’S MIRROR Reaching Your Performance Potential Onstage and Off By Elma Linz Kanefield, LCSW with Dianne Conjeaud

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBRp2wTQXd0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywlw_HIz_6c At her audition, a young woman walked on stage and prepared herself to sing, but when she opened her mouth there was no sound. This story sounds like…
Pause the World for Peace in Times Square 4/22/22 Earth Day Special Event: Water & Peace Broadcast, 2 minute Sizzle Reel…

Pause the World for Peace in Times Square 4/22/22 Earth Day Special Event: Water & Peace Broadcast, 2 minute Sizzle Reel…

https://youtu.be/L5CgT3_A6ck Special Premiere Woodstock Forever: Peace, Love & HOPE Movie Trailer and a Ukrainian Interfaith Benefit for FREEDOM #pausetheworldforpeace #timessquare #earthday #water&peace #woodstockforeverpeacelovehope #woodstockforever #ukrainianinterfaithbenefit #freedom