Michel Pascal and HOMMM.xyz states, "CALM THE MIND". Most of you know that for the last 21 years Good News has been involved with The International Day of Peace and we would love…
watch: www.youtube.com/goodnewsbroadcast, www.goodnewsplanet.TV and www.pausetheworldforpeace.org. LET’S ENJOY EACH AND EVERY MOMENT. LIVE IN THE NOW….WHEN YOU SPELL NOW BACKWARDS YOU GET…WON, LET’S WIN AND NOT LET AGE, HEALTH OR LIFE KEEP US…
your community, www.goodnewsplanet.com/newsletter) our talent who are joining our International Day of Peace & Ecology on September 21, 2023 in Times Square. We are honored to announce that Michel Pascal & Earth,…
deductible www.pausetheworldforpeace.org for our upcoming, International Day of Peace & Ecology: September 21, 2023. Times Square and the World LIVE Broadcast. We are presenting this major event to funders to create one of the…
Mother’s Day, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother%27s_Day. Now don’t forget Dad, which is coming up on June 18th, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father%27s_Day if you want to see the history. Grandparents Day, September 10 and Siblings Day April 10th, oops, in case you…
to: https://fb.watch/k54Xkqw_HK/ to watch. Also to donate go to: https://goodnewsplanet.com/pausetheworld/peace-day-donations/ More Good News: Reverend Paul Sladkus, All Faiths and Spiritual performed a renewal of vows for Molly and John Breen at the Montauk Manor.…
2023. www.pausetheworldforpeace.org We have dedicated our lives and Good News Media to find, receive or create Life Affirming, Positive Media. However, there is War. Murder, Homelessness, Hurricanes, Floods, Draught, Unclean Water, Cancer...in essence…
to: https://fb.watch/k54Xkqw_HK/ to watch. Also to donate go to: https://goodnewsplanet.com/pausetheworld/peace-day-donations/ Pause the World for Peace, 2023 Events for Mother Earth... Earth & Water Day Times Square LIVE 5 Hour Broadcast Concert, April 22, 2023…
Pause the World for Peace, 2023 Events for Mother Earth… Earth & Water Day Times Square LIVE 5 Hour Broadcast Concert, April 22, 2023 11:00AM – 4PM EST. TV/Podcast JOIN…
https://pausetheworldforpeace.org/2023/04/07/earth-water-day-presenter-benefits/ The most important Mother Earth Healer is YOU & ME…we are promoting a focus on PSR, Personal Social Responsibility/Respect. People run the world, along with our animal and plant…