Choose To Be KIND. Many Are Facing Difficult Times, Filled With Uncertainty And Sadness. If You Can Add Joy To Someone's Life, Do It, Because, What You Give, You Receive!… Good News Corporation, Reverend Paul Sladkus Producer, International Day of Peace Times Square 9/21 UNIFY’s Miranda Clendening, Chief Ambassador Partner & Broadcaster, International Day of Peace Times Square 9/21 A… Mayor Adams took a Moment of Silence for the International Day of Peace and shared a Twitter post with the world. Thank you Mayor Adams, as you have…
Dear Paul, Click Here: Sherry Winston Interview & Performance Video Reserve Now Sherry performed at The White House for President and Mrs. Clinton, and for President George H.W. Bush at the…
12th Annual Queens World Film Festival (QWFF) 2022 HIGHLIGHTS: Screening 157 films from 27 nations including 2 from Ukraine, 7 from Iran, 8 from Canada, 3 from India, 3 from Asia, Korea, Taiwan,…
Black Tie Gala, International Fashion Shows, International Wine Tasting, & Charity Event November 2, 2022 Click the link below to view the event details Professional GroupBlack Tie International MagazineManhattan Motor…
On November 6th, at 5:00pm, join Clearwater for a magical musical performance at the Rosendale Theatre! The evening’s lineup includes the luminous harmonies of Jaeger & Reid,…
The United Nations Commutech Group cordially invite you to join us on Friday evening to enjoy the artistic performances and to witness our award ceremony for the artists. Come join us…
We share four powerful video and podcast stories, from our websites www.goodnewsplanet.TV and The first two stories, Kupyansk/Ukraine and Inge/Holocaust represent the strength of humankind under murderous conditions. Our third and fourth stories…