MEDIA ALERT: MvVO ART/AD ART SHOW 2023 Announces Call For Artists
M E D I A A L E R T MvVO ART/AD ART SHOW 2023 Announces Call For Artists A Contemporary Art Show at Powerhouse Arts Winning artist to…
What Does Peace Mean to Dr. Arthur Malone Jr.? See What Dr. Arthur Malone Jr. Thinks About Peace… for video of the whole interview, go to #peace #drarthurmalonejr #drarthurmalone #arthurmalone #artmalone #drartmalone #drartmalonejr
GoodNewsLetter: Holocaust Remembrance and Dr. Art Malone, Jr. Good Samaritan
Loved the golden words of a 99 yr old happy man, a holocaust survivor. His mantra is so valuable. We also share with you Dr. Art Malone Jr. who is…
Staten Island JCC FREE ART SHOW, Jing Bao’s Moonlight Art Studio and the president of JIUYA Art Association, XiaoFeng Tong. EPREAD THE WORDS for OUR JCC GROUP EXHIBITION In the past year, the board of directors of the JCC (Jewish Community Center) has met several times to…
ABE SHAINBERG Art Show Jerusalem 12/13/22 4 West 43rd Street Suite 416 ABE SHAINBERG is a Sustaining Member of the AWA, the American Watercolor Association and is the principal of He has shown in many cities all over…
2022 World Art Competition for Calligraphy and Painting…
2022 Grand Opening of the World Art Competition in Calligraphy and Painting ---- The largest, most prestigious, and most rewarding event in the history of the United Nations in New…
Tatyana Horoshko shares, What is Peace for Her?
Listen to "Tatyana Horoshko shares, What is Peace for Her?" on Spreaker. A great artist and human being shares What is Peace to Her, especially in the concerning times of…