GoodNewsLetter: Holiday GIFTS for YOU! Giving Tuesday is Still Happening, Pause The World For Peace, has Holiday Gifts for YOU! Also here are three important Health and Wellness Stories this Week: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOUR CHILD HAS A RARE AND DEBILITATING DISORDER CALLED RETT SYNDROME. LIVING WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA…
Peace Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi.  Reverend Paul Sladkus, All Faiths  & Spiritual, Ordained by the State of New York and can serve everywhere in the world legally, offers to officiate any ceremony Virtually now…. funeral, wedding, renew vows, conversations, any special occasion as my  honor.

Peace Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi. Reverend Paul Sladkus, All Faiths & Spiritual, Ordained by the State of New York and can serve everywhere in the world legally, offers to officiate any ceremony Virtually now…. funeral, wedding, renew vows, conversations, any special occasion as my honor.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair,…