Concert For Peace II – Sept 21
“Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.” ― Kahlil Gibran FREE CONCERT - GLOBALY STREAMED Simply scan the QR code above…
Steven Joseph the author of the new book, Snoodles in Space Episode 2: The Zoodles Strike Back!
Listen to "Steven Joseph the author of the new book, Snoodles in Space Episode 2: The Zoodles Strike Back!" on Spreaker. Steven Joseph is a first-generation American, the son of…
Thought of the Day…08/26/24
ACCEPT that you will never be perfect, life will always have challenges, and other people will disappoint you sometimes. Acceptance is the first step towards peace. Good morning
GoodNewsLetter: Peace Day Updates & Good News on how YOU CAN SAVE SOMEONE’S LIFE!! Below are some of the latest Peace Day Updates and that we share on www.goodnewsplanet.TV, and Here is an important interview that we did yesterday. There is an emergency, the Red…
Happy Life Yoga – International Yoga Day 2024 with Tirlok Malik
Join Happy Life Yoga, a worldwide virtual event on Zoom sponsored GOPIO-Manhattan and the Consulate General of India in New York on Saturday, June 22, 2024, 11 am (EST, New…