94-year-old *Clint Eastwood* is 'telling' us... “Do not look for luxury in watches or bracelets, do not look for luxury in worldly things". “Luxury is laughter and friends, .. luxury…
Listen to "Tom Harris, President of the Times Square Alliance announces their sustainability for Times Square, the Manhattan Goes Green Earth Day..." on Spreaker. The Times Square Alliance, founded in…
The power of the human will is an incredible force, and even in the most daunting times we are capable of making a positive difference. Legendary filmmaker Stanley Kubrick certainly…
Listen to "TYPE 1 DIABETES IS ON THE RISE IN THIS COUNTRY. CURRENTLY, ABOUT 1.24 MILLION AMERICANS LIVE WITH THE DISEASE, AND THAT NUMBER IS EXPECTED.." on Spreaker. https://www.screenfortype1.com/take-the-pledge/ Nearly…
Here is our Virtual Press Conference from March 22, 2023: https://goodnewsplanet.com/world-water-day-march-22-2023-press-conference-12-noon-230-pm-est/ Here is our 2023 Earth & Water Day Sizzle Reel, it was a powerful 6-hour Broadcast, UPBEAT NOT BEAT UP……
https://pausetheworldforpeace.org/2024/03/08/pluto-tv-pilot/ We worked very hard on this and looking to present it next week in LA. Wish us all luck, because as you know, Your Good News is Our Good News.” So…
Yipick from Homie Depot Dear Friends and Members, We are putting together a 24/7 Good News Broadcast TV Channel right now. What we realized, as we look back on our 26…
Earth & Water Day 4/22/23 Times Square Sizzle Reel Earth & Water Day from Times Square April 22, 2023. A Six-Hour Series. We have been talking with New York City…
“Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-changing." Zig Ziglar Valentine’s is so much more than…
Listen to "Author Celia Ryker new book Augusta" on Spreaker. Celia Ryker website https://celiaryker.com/ Historical Fiction Author Pens Stunning Novel Based On Her Grandmother’s Challenging Life Of Abject Poverty, Marriage At…