Pause the World for Peace in Times Square 4/22/22 Earth Day Special Event: Water & Peace Broadcast, 4 1/2 hour movie + 16 minute, 4 minute n 2 minute Sizzle Reel…

Pause the World for Peace in Times Square 4/22/22 Earth Day Special Event: Water & Peace Broadcast, 4 1/2 hour movie + 16 minute, 4 minute n 2 minute Sizzle Reel… Special Premiere Woodstock Forever: Peace, Love & HOPE Movie Trailer and a Ukrainian Interfaith Benefit for FREEDOM #pausetheworldforpeace #timessquare #earthday #water&peace #woodstockforeverpeacelovehope #woodstockforever #ukrainianinterfaithbenefit #freedom
McKenzi Brooke & Reif Harrison: TikTok Superstars, our from our next generation of Peace Advocates.

McKenzi Brooke & Reif Harrison: TikTok Superstars, our from our next generation of Peace Advocates. They perform join the International Day of Peace Concert on September 21, 2022 in Times Square.  Arianna, their Mom shares her happiness for her children and peace.  #mckenzibrooke #reifharrison #mckenzireif…