created www.goodnewsplanet.TV, on July 4, 1998…we share the good in the world, and we are stressed from so much Good News to Share, we have done over 6,000 shows. Today on… FOUR WINTERS An Award-Winning Documentary Four Winters atNew Plaza Cinema (35 West 67th St)Tickets Here: Shattering the myth of Jewish passivity, the last surviving partisans tell their…
Lastly, we are working on creating a Sizzle Reel from our 5 Hour LIVE BROADCAST in Times Square for the International Day of Peace. The event was wonderful, we partnered with… Michael Fitzpatrick is the recipient of The Prince Charles Award for Music Excellence conferred by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales - now His Majesty King Charles III.…
your community. will be placing a hold on Times Square for 4/22 Earth Day, 9/11 and 9/21 for the International Day of Peace and Central Park for 9/11 all in 2023. We… FOWPAL, rings their Peace Bell today on 9/21 and around the world for many years, to Presidents, Nobel Laureates and Peace Leaders. The Bell Ringing also represents our Heroes… Michele Bongiovanni is the CEO and Founder of social impact company, HealRWorld, and their non-profit Music4ClimateJustice, global platform. Michele has been awarded a Peace Pole from the World Peace Prayer Society… 各位尊敬的来宾: Distinguished Guests, Ladiesand Gentlemen: Good afternoon! 今天是十月九日。熟悉中华文化的朋友一定知道,“九”是最大的个位数,是至阳的极数。“九”在中文中与“久”字同音,寓意长长久久,象征着和谐安康、幸福美满,代表着事业和爱情长长久久,家族传承延绵长久。 It is October 9th today. Nine or 九 inChinese sounds just like 久 (jiǔ),which means “long lasting” and “eternity.” At…