A Dialogue with Investor Jacky Zhang – New Face of AI Investment of the Oriental

A Dialogue with Investor Jacky Zhang – New Face of AI Investment of the Oriental

Investor Jacky Zhang https://www.wicz.com/story/51049726/a-dialogue-with-investor-jacky-zhang-new-face-of-ai-investment-of-the-oriental Author: Dr. Jeannie Yi, New York. Jacky Zhang, a renowned investor known for his extensive influence in both the Chinese and international investment fields, has earned…
GoodNewsLetter: Robin Williams as the AMERICAN FLAG – GENERAL MEETING DATE/TIME REVISION CHANGE TO WEDNESDAY JULY 10 AT 1PM EST, plus our Anniversary Celebration Concert on the 4th

GoodNewsLetter: Robin Williams as the AMERICAN FLAG – GENERAL MEETING DATE/TIME REVISION CHANGE TO WEDNESDAY JULY 10 AT 1PM EST, plus our Anniversary Celebration Concert on the 4th

started www.goodnewsbroadcast.com, so every 4th is our Anniversary. The 4th means FREEDOM, is also means obtaining FREEDOM THROUGH WAR, so the Good News occurs from the bad news of WAR. (PLEASE NO MORE WAR)  www.pausetheworldforpeace.org is…