Pause the World for Peace in Times Square 4/22/22 Earth Day Special Event: Water & Peace Broadcast, 4 1/2 hour movie + 16 minute, 4 minute n 2 minute Sizzle Reel…

Pause the World for Peace in Times Square 4/22/22 Earth Day Special Event: Water & Peace Broadcast, 4 1/2 hour movie + 16 minute, 4 minute n 2 minute Sizzle Reel… Special Premiere Woodstock Forever: Peace, Love & HOPE Movie Trailer and a Ukrainian Interfaith Benefit for FREEDOM #pausetheworldforpeace #timessquare #earthday #water&peace #woodstockforeverpeacelovehope #woodstockforever #ukrainianinterfaithbenefit #freedom
What is Peace to David Parker?

What is Peace to David Parker?

Author, Educator, Entrepreneur, Musician San Francisco Author and Entrepreneur Full Interview Offers Optimism And Confidence, Defying Those Who Forecast Economic Woe Educator/Entrepreneur/Musician/Writer Shares Insights From a Half-Century of…
Staten Island JCC FREE ART SHOW, Jing Bao’s Moonlight Art Studio and the president of JIUYA Art Association, XiaoFeng Tong. 

Staten Island JCC FREE ART SHOW, Jing Bao’s Moonlight Art Studio and the president of JIUYA Art Association, XiaoFeng Tong. EPREAD THE WORDS for OUR JCC GROUP EXHIBITION         In the past year, the board of directors of the JCC (Jewish Community Center) has met several times to…
Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation 25th Annual Collaborating for a Cure Gala…

Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation 25th Annual Collaborating for a Cure Gala… Honoring Two Giants in the Fight Against Cancer- Samuel Waxman, M.D. Chief Executive Officer and Founder, and Michael Nierenberg, Chairman of the Board, Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation (SWCRF)…