Listen to "Natl. Pet Month- Coping with Loss of Precious Pet" on Spreaker. www.animaltalksinc.comFor anyone who has ever dealt with the loss of a pet, the grief can be overwhelming.…
The power of the human will is an incredible force, and even in the most daunting times we are capable of making a positive difference. Legendary filmmaker Stanley Kubrick certainly…
Listen to "Reverend Paul Sladkus, All Faiths and Spiritual Sharers a Message of ✌ Peace, Love & HOPE" on Spreaker. #reverendpaulsladkus #paulsladkus #faiths #spiritual #message #peacelovehope #peace #love #hope
Listen to "Jeremiah has an unbelievable Patch Coat and story behind it, even a Merit Badge...he's great 👍" on Spreaker. #jerimiah #patchcoat #meritbadge #goodnews
“Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-changing." Zig Ziglar Valentine’s is so much more than…
Consider these the golden rules. by Wendy Rose Gould It goes without saying: Deciding to get married is a huge deal, and there's no doubt you'd only enter into that commitment with deep love and dedication.…
Listen to "Barbara Biziou, Happy New Year! 🎆" on Spreaker. Happy New Year! 🎆 I’m so glad you decided to take this powerful journey with me. One important thing…