Feb 28 – Mar 27, 2023 Youtube Analytics for www.youtube.com/GoodNewsBroadcast

NOTE: Initial sponsorship overview as of 9/1/22 for what you will receive, more specifics upon your needs and targets. WE ARE ALL ABOUT A WIN, WIN, & WIN FOR THE WORLD. Good News Corporation, GNC is a nonprofit 501 C 3, est. 2002. www.pausetheworldforpeace.org
- Title Presenter – One year exclusive package of recognition as the Title Presenter for the 2022 Peace activities $54,500. All sponsorship benefits.
- Peace Hero Sponsor – One year sponsor $5,000. All sponsorship benefits.
- Publicity/Sales – A publicity/sales campaign will be created in partnership with you ASAP
- Press Conference – GNC will then create our first Worldwide Press Conference in Times Square, NY 9/11 at 12 Noon. A representative will speak for 1 minute.
- International Day of Peace 9/21 Daytime – Representative will speak at daytime for 1 minute 12 Noon, Moment of Silence event in Times Square, aprox audience 200,000 and Worldwide TV & Podcast, Social Network LIVE Broadcasts, over 100 Million, Coupons.
- Public Relations/Program Soft Commercials – You will be included in all public relations, promotional materials, advertising and a publicity campaign. As well name recognition and PBS type soft 15 second commercial in all broadcasts/podcasts with your message at the beginning of the shows and at the end of the show. The exact amount of viewers still depends on who picks up the broadcast.
- Audience 1. Good News Broadcast, est. 1998, receives aprox. 100,000 views per month on Youtube.com/Good News Broadcast. 2. UNIFY will broadcast our event and has over 100 Million Viewers on Facebook attached. In our broadcast we will also put a picture in picture of their worldwide feed starting in New Zealand to Hawaii, and their partners. 3. The International Day of Peace some years ago, according to the UN received 2 Billion Views for Peace Day, attached. 4. Social & Print Media – Good News has 30,000 5. We will be giving the shows to the world for free and expect 100’s of at TV/Podcast Broadcasters sign on, aprox. 1 Million. TBD 5. PBS – We plan to off an edited program to PBS as well and our local community channels, just in NY 300,000 households, but no commercials where we create a show already. Speaking at our events is effective for PBS and non-commercial channels. 6. MetaVerse Groups state that they have 100s of Millions, and we are in discussions. TBD 6. Print readership from public relations 1 Million. Total Potential Impressions – Over One Hundred Million.
- Sponsor a portion of the show: i.e., Ukrainian and Children Outreach, Woodstock, Peace Thru Water, END RACISM
Note: In essence the more money raised, the more we can do to help create a more powerful ACTIONABLE Peace Day and broadcast it. Additionally any money that we don’t use from our budget will go to more marketing for Peace. Every dollar will be accounted for as an honorable nonprofit corporation since 2002. Good News Corporation is working with some of the best production, marketing and advertising companies, that have done almost all the major live concerts in Central Park, as well as The Super Bowl, Times Square, Madison Square Garden, Facebook, Rolling Stones. We are working with the most prestigious Public Relations Firms, including social networking, traditional and digital marketing/advertising for major corporations and events
In addition to the outside award winning to production, marketing and advertising companies that we are friend’s with for years, Good News Corporation, (GNC) 501 C 3, Nonprofit, est. 2002 is the overall producer of Pause the World for Peace. www.peacedayparty.org & www.peaceday2022.org. However, our theory is that we are all in this together for Peace and happy to share any producer credits with all our production partners, some of the best in the business.
GNC was founded by Paul Sladkus, veteran broadcaster from CBS & PBS Channel 13 with over 150 Network TV shows, including: All in the Family, Sonny and Cher, Carol Burnett, Frank Sinatra Specials and The Nature and Brain Series on PBS. Paul’s company has also been involved with over 1,000 events. Paul also founded, Milestone Broadcast Corporation (MBC), a for-profit, est. 1985 as a leading multicultural marketing organization and broadcaster. Clients have included: Citibank, IBM, Delta Airlines, Sprint, US Postal Service, and Western Union. MBC has create over 6,000 streaming shows on www.goodnewsplanet.TV est. 1998 and over 750 national and international events.
Please take 5.11 minutes to watch our PEACE SIZZLE
“All we are is what we are with each other.”
With respect,
Reverend Paul Sladkus,
Founder, Good News Corporation,
Nonprofit 501 C 3,
212 647 1212 (C) 917 687 1790